Saturday, 30 April 2011

Upheaval of Middle East Connected To U.S.-NATO Strategic Plans

Vyacheslav Matuzov, one of the leading Russian experts in Middle East affairs, voiced real concern that the protesters in the streets in various countries throughout the Middle East don't really understand the REAL MOTIVES for calling a regime change.

The Arab Islamic world is NOW in a chaotic situation that is actually controlled from a distance by the United States, American military centers. What is unfolding in the Middle East, this so-called "revolutionary process" is closely connected with the strategic goals of the United States' policy dating back to the days of George W. Bush administration calling for a plan to re-branding the Middle East.

On the issue of NATO going after Gaddafi, he said that the whole world community should support not the NATO position but the African Union's position.

Read the interview to understand more about what's is REALLY going on. The protesters must understand what will be waiting for them in the future. It's certainly not going to be better, just look at Iraq and Afghanistan!!!