Friday, 20 May 2011

Nuclear Meltdown: The ONLY Solution for Fukushima

It's confirmed that data shows meltdowns occurred at reactors Nos. 1-3 of the Fukushima nuclear power plant. It appears that melted fuel has created holes in all the pressure vessels and landed in the containment vessels. No.1 reactor has been reported to have a cracked containment vessel.

Furthermore, more than 87,500 tons of contaminated water has been accumulated at the site so far, and leaked water has been going somewhere. Not surprisingly, highly contaminated water was found leaking into the ocean from No. 3 reactor on May 11, 2011.

There's no denying of the worst-case scenario unfolding before our eyes! It's time for the Japanese government and TEPCO to take adequate and necessary actions!

Nuclear experts advise the following:

1. Dig a trench about 50 feet below the surface around reactors 1-3 all the way down to the bedrock. Then fill the trench with zeolite that can absorb radioactive cesium from leaking into the groundwater around the plant. Nonstop work MUST begin now.

2. Build a concrete wall to encapsulate the entire reactor, which could take years, but need to start as soon as possible.

Fumiya Tanabe, former senior researcher at Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, has said before: "In resolving serious accidents like those (at the Fukushima plant), it is a cardinal rule to work out recovery measures based on the worst possible situation."

Unfortunately, TEPCO seems to be going backwards in getting the situation under control and things have been slowly eroding day by day.


Monday, 16 May 2011

Inept TEPCO fails to prevent meltdown

It's predictable that TEPCO's mismanagement, lack of foresight and snail-paced efforts in dealing with Fukushima nuclear crisis have led to meltdown in all three reactors - #1, #2, and #3.

Two months after the tsunami devastation, TEPCO still hasn't even come near to installing a working cooling system for any of the troubled reactors! Not only is TEPCO management team unable to deal with the meltdown, they've actually created more problems in trying to cool the fuel rods in the spent pools and in the containment vessels.

It seems every step they have taken so far is done without any prior ACCURATE ASSESSMENT of the situation or LACK OF FORESIGHT to predict the CONSEQUENCES of their actions. Thus, the crisis worsens day by day.

It's understandable that the nuclear crisis is overwhelming at first, but it's not forgivable that the nuclear crisis rating has climbed from 4 to 7! The worsening of the crisis can't be blamed on the tsunami or aftershocks, but on TEPCO's inadequate, inept, and insufficient efforts in handling this whole affair!

TEPCO and the government have not put in ALL THE MANPOWER to handle this national crisis. Sending in few workers each day to work on one reactor at a time is not dealing with the urgent attention to the needs of each reactor in crisis.

Now the meltdown has finally been confirmed in reactor #1, and probably in reactors #2 and #3, due to cracks in the containment vessels, TEPCO should stop wasting time thinking of building cooling systems and start thinking of quick massive cement burial for all troubled reactors before more radiation leaks into the environment, spreading to other parts of the world!